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It pays off to subject even small-scale procurement to tendering

Procurement below the national threshold of EUR 60,000 can be made through Hansel’s small-scale procurement service. To help you, we offer a digital minicompetition assistant, Kisa-apuri, where you can send invitations to tender to the participating suppliers quickly and flexibly, with just a few clicks. 

Hansel’s small-scale procurement selection is based on the product and service categories of the dynamic purchasing systems. Any supplier participating in a similar dynamic purchasing system may, if they so wish, also participate in small-scale procurement procedures. You can check the suppliers for each small-scale procurement on our online service. We check the suppliers’ backgrounds, such as their financial situation, but the number of suppliers is not limited. New suppliers are accepted on an ongoing basis.

You can submit your invitation to tender to all or only some of the suppliers involved. When making small-scale procurement decisions, remember that the Act on Public Procurement and Concession Contracts prohibits splitting public procurement decisions.

Why does it pay off to also subject small-scale procurement to competitive tendering?

Small-scale procurement should be put out to tender for the same reason that all procurement is. However, small-scale procurement does not fall within the scope of the Act on Public Procurement and Concession Contracts, so invitations for tenders for small-scale procurement decisions can be made using a simplified operating model. However, even in the case of small-scale procurement, the principles of open and equal treatment must be taken into account. Small-scale procurement must be put out to tender in accordance with the contracting authority’s own procurement guidelines. Therefore, we do not provide our customers with comments for the invitation to tender in the case of small-scale procurement.

Competitive tendering must not make it difficult to carry out procurement of products or services of low financial value, so we want to enable a competitive tendering process that is simple for both for the customer and the supplier. By using the small-scale procurement service, you ensure good visibility for your invitation to tender. It is easy to make an invitation to tender using our templates. The small-scale procurement service also provides a template for the formulation of contract terms. In case of problems, Hansel will support the customer during the agreement period, if necessary.

The comparison of tenders and the selection of the winner is simpler in the small-scale procurement service than in the tendering procedure covered by the Act on Public Procurement and Concession Contracts. The small-scale procurement service is not a joint procurement procedure (such as a framework agreement and DPS) but a digital platform created to facilitate tendering for the customer’s small-scale procurement.

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