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What is a dynamic purchasing system?

A Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) is a digital procurement procedure. DPS provides your procurement with a functional framework and flexibility to suit your needs. In DPS, you conveniently select a supplier through a minicompetition arranged between the suppliers involved. With our templates and tools, it is easy to carry out a minicompetition.

Customers of a dynamic purchasing system benefit from good contract terms that take into account the specificities of different industries. The system includes a large number of high-quality suppliers whose backgrounds we have checked. There is no obligation for customers to join DPSs in advance, as is the case for framework agreements. When DPS is selected as the joint procurement model, both new customers and suppliers can join the system throughout the duration of the DPS. 

DPSs always take into account the national procurement strategy and various aspects of responsibility.

Benefits of Hansel DPS:  

  • Good and reliable contractual suppliers
  • Minicompetition is faster and easier than an open tendering process
  • Hansel experts will support you in organising a minicompetition
  • You will find a suitable supplier for your needs, the DPS will accommodate your needs
  • Customer-friendly contract terms and support for supplier management during the agreement period

How does a dynamic purchasing system differ from a framework agreement?

The most significant difference between a dynamic purchasing system and a framework agreement is the fact that the dynamic purchasing system accepts new qualified suppliers to join the system throughout its duration. Customers can also join a DPS at any time during its duration. 

In a framework agreement, suppliers are usually selected for a four-year agreement period and no new suppliers are added during the agreement period. The duration of the dynamic purchasing system is not limited by legislation as is the case for framework agreements. The duration of each DPS is announced at the time of its creation.

Suppliers may apply to join a dynamic purchasing system throughout its duration

The procurement notice for each dynamic purchasing system can be found in the public procurement notice channel Hilma. All interested suppliers can apply to join a DPS throughout its duration. If you are a DPS customer, please instruct potential suppliers to apply to join the relevant DPS!

Hansel accepts all suppliers that meet Hansel’s eligibility requirements and other conditions. Hansel enters into an agreement with DPS suppliers, whereby the supplier commits to our common rules. There is no limit to the number of suppliers that can join a DPS. 
Do you want to apply to join a DPS as a supplier? Read more in the section for suppliers!

Customers select the supplier through minicompetitions

Hansel’s customers can carry out minicompetitions, i.e., competitions based on a framework agreement, by sending an invitation to tender to all suppliers that are eligible to participate in the dynamic purchasing system in an electronic tendering system, such as Cloudia or Hansel’s own digital minicompetition assistant.  

The customer defines the overall economic criteria for the procurement carried out within a dynamic purchasing system in the invitation to tender. Suppliers admitted to the dynamic purchasing system will have at least ten (10) days after the publication of the invitation to tender to submit a tender. The customer can also specify a longer tendering period.

After the tendering period ends, the customer opens and compares the tenders and makes a procurement decision. After this, the customer can conclude a procurement contract and order a product or service.

Want to become a Hansel supplier?

We seek to offer as many companies the opportunity to become our supplier as possible. Find out how you can become one of our suppliers!

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