Housing services for people with disabilities 2024–2028 DPS
Contractual supplier
Business ID
Framework agreement number
Control against authority
information and sanction lists |
Anttulan Yökylä Oy | 2284957-4 | 8026 | Self-declaration given. |
Aspa Palvelut Oy | 1998395-9 | 7959 | Self-declaration given. |
Attendo Mi-Hoiva Oy | 0784328-9 | 7973 | Self-declaration given. |
Attendo Oy | 1755463-2 | 7970 | Sept. 23, 2024 |
Attendo Piritta Oy | 0943341-9 | 7976 | Self-declaration given. |
Attendo Savon Koti Oy | 1107957-8 | 7975 | Self-declaration given. |
Aurinkokulma Oy | 1948100-0 | 7960 | Self-declaration given. |
Autismisäätiö sr | 1569797-1 | 7999 | Self-declaration given. |
Esperi Care Oy | 2017532-6 | 7918 | Self-declaration given. |
Hoitokoti Mäntyrinne Oy | 1442266-9 | 7919 | Self-declaration given. |
Hoitokoti Poppeli Oy | 1471302-8 | 7961 | Self-declaration given. |
Hoivakoti Manteli Oy | 0834192-6 | 7947 | Self-declaration given. |
Hoivakoti Riihelän Keltasirkku Oy | 1924584-1 | 7920 | Self-declaration given. |
Hoivakymppi Oy | 2079664-0 | 7963 | Self-declaration given. |
Hoiva Mehiläinen Oy | 1893659-5 | 7948 | Self-declaration given. |
Hoivapalvelut Kotikoivu Oy | 1603522-4 | 7977 | Self-declaration given. |
Hoivatie Oy | 3160743-8 | 8013 | Self-declaration given. |
Honkalampi-säätiö sr | 0847843-9 | 8061 | Self-declaration given. |
Humana Avopalvelut Oy | 2292973-4 | 8057 | Self-declaration given. |
Humana Uula Oy | 1072328-8 | 7981 | Self-declaration given. |
Hyryn Hoiva Oy | 2399764-0 | 7921 | Self-declaration given. |
Iiris-Koti Oy | 1930681-9 | 7922 | Self-declaration given. |
Ikipihlaja Oiva Oy | 2541958-8 | 7979 | Self-declaration given. |
Karttusenranta Oy | 1877402-0 | 7989 | Self-declaration given. |
Kasperikoti Oy | 2170627-2 | 7923 | Self-declaration given. |
Keski-Pohjanmaan Hoitopalvelu Oy | 1651824-2 | 7924 | Self-declaration given. |
Keski-Suomen Hoivataito Oy | 2622517-9 | 7925 | Self-declaration given. |
Kivipuro ry | 0209393-3 | 8075 | Self-declaration given. |
Koivulakoti Oy | 1527130-5 | 7926 | Self-declaration given. |
KoskiHoiva Oy | 2695507-5 | 8005 | Sept. 23, 2024 |
Kotipalvelu Mehiläinen Oy | 1926203-5 | 8009 | Sept. 23, 2024 |
Kuurojen Palvelusäätiö (Dövas Servicestiftelse) sr | 0116651-2 | 8014 | Self-declaration given. |
Lapin Hoivataito Oy | 2474075-9 | 7927 | Self-declaration given. |
Lounatuulikoti Oy | 1013647-0 | 7988 | Self-declaration given. |
Luhatuuli Oy | 2029667-0 | 7928 | Self-declaration given. |
Mainiokodit Hoiva Oy | 3217144-5 | 7949 | Self-declaration given. |
Matti ja Liisa Koti Oy | 1103401-1 | 8007 | Self-declaration given. |
Mehiläinen Hoivapalvelut Oy | 2099743-4 | 7950 | Self-declaration given. |
Mehiläinen Oy | 1927556-5 | 7951 | Sept. 23, 2024 |
Mesimarjasi Oy | 2913419-2 | 8036 | Sept. 23, 2024 |
Möttiäänen Jyväskylä Oy | 3207156-7 | 8022 | Self-declaration given. |
Möttiäänen Oy | 3141659-4 | 8023 | Self-declaration given. |
Möttiääspesä Jyväskylä Oy | 3415859-4 | 8024 | Self-declaration given. |
Narikka Erja-Birgit Oy | 2276654-1 | 7929 | Self-declaration given. |
Neuroliitto ry | 0282482-0 | 8002 | Self-declaration given. |
Onnikoti Ravuri Oy | 0285196-8 | 7955 | Self-declaration given. |
Palvelukeskus Kotipesä Oy | 0971612-8 | 7930 | Self-declaration given. |
Palvelukeskus Päivälehto Oy | 1908123-4 | 7931 | Self-declaration given. |
Palvelukoti Hilmari Oy | 0955759-3 | 7987 | Self-declaration given. |
Pappilankoti Oy | 1035007-1 | 7932 | Self-declaration given. |
Perhe- ja Palvelukodit Suomalainen Oy | 1634762-3 | 7965 | Self-declaration given. |
Pihlajalinna Erityisasumispalvelut Oy | 2833691-3 | 7998 | Self-declaration given. |
Poutapolku Oy | 3149950-2 | 7944 | Self-declaration given. |
Provesta Oy | 2365538-4 | 8058 | Self-declaration given. |
Päijät-Hämeen Hoitokodit Oy | 2183696-6 | 7933 | Self-declaration given. |
Pöytyän Hoiva Oy | 2494393-5 | 7942 | Self-declaration given. |
Recare Oy | 1968066-7 | 7956 | Self-declaration given. |
Riekkomäen Palvelu Oy | 1823751-6 | 8059 | Self-declaration given. |
Rinnekodit Oy | 2574952-8 | 7990 | Self-declaration given. |
Ryhmäkoti Kestintupa Oy | 0976723-2 | 7934 | Self-declaration given. |
Savas-Säätiö sr | 0816129-8 | 7939 | Self-declaration given. |
Sylvia-koti yhdistys ry | 0149830-6 | 7978 | Self-declaration given. |
Toivolanranta Oy | 0859903-8 | 7982 | Self-declaration given. |
Tukena Oy | 2008528-3 | 7968 | Self-declaration given. |
Tuulenvirekoti Oy | 2836429-5 | 7983 | Self-declaration given. |
Validia Oy | 1948154-5 | 7954 | Self-declaration given. |
Vetrea Terveys Oy | 1860871-9 | 7962 | Self-declaration given. |
Vivo Hoiva Geriwell Oy | 2620670-1 | 7969 | Self-declaration given. |
Ykkös- ja Onnikodit Oy | 3210520-2 | 7964 | Self-declaration given. |
Yrjö & Hanna Oy | 2034563-9 | 8000 | Self-declaration given. |
Yrjö ja Hanna Hoivapalvelut Oy | 2770642-5 | 8001 | Self-declaration given. |
Ystäväntien Palvelukoti Oy | 2057262-0 | 7943 | Self-declaration given. |