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Pick-up Cars Framework agreement

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Agreement term
17.02.2021 - 16.02.2025
Expiration date of customer-specific contracts
Operating model
Simplified tendering, Act on Public Procurement and Concession Contracts 1397/2016


All our joint procurements have been analysed and marked with responsibility symbols. In this joint procurement, the following have been taken into account:

  • Environmental responsibility
  • Social responsibility
  • Financial responsibility

Pakotteiden tarkastaminen

Teemme kaikissa yhteishankinnoissa mukana olevista toimittajista pakotetarkastukset.

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Mika Saarinen

Category manager

mika.saarinen@hansel.fi Account managers

Procurement phase

  1. In preliminary evaluation
  2. Valmistelussa
  3. Kilpailutuksessa
  4. Ongoing
  5. Päättynyt, asiakaskohtaiset sopimukset voimassa